News from hither and yon

I’ve been told that I have cataracts for years. For the same number of years, doctors have given me no reason to be concerned.
Only recently did an eye-man tell me to get serious about it. He recommended I see Dr. Biggs in Clarkston.
Turns out he reads our Clarkston News and Jim’s Jottings. Our conversation stayed on the light side.
At one point Dr. Biggs said, “I never mention patient names to my wife, but I may have trouble not mentioning you.”
Dr Biggs kept it light while telling me he was going to carve a space in my eyeball big enough for my new lens. He smiled a lot, but neither he nor I laughed.
This is being written two days after our encounter. My anxiety has returned to the point that if I could remember the name of even one of the doctors who told me not to be concerned about cataract removal, I’d submit his name to ISIS for consideration.
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If you are serious about wanting to be remembered, donate to the next charity that calls you on the phone begging for money. If your experience is like mine they’ll call you 14 times a month.
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Headline: “U.S. withholds details of Iran nuclear talks.” This from what Barrack says is the most transparent administration in the history of mankind.
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At least one of the mattress companies should review their advertising agencies? tv message. It shows a man and woman, in bed, exposed from the tops of their shoulders up.
Between them is a large bag of potato chips, and they are feeding each other one chip at a tine. What married couple would eat potato chips in bed? What does the rest of their house look like?
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Long time friend, Irene Schaible can draw out the word “wonderful” and make it sound warming, welcoming and extra extra soothing as she spews the word through her lips. Don’t hear her saying it very often now, because she and her husband her husband, Tom, live in California.
Charities can be like the IRS, all our governments and school organizations. They always need more money than our federal mint can print.
Goodness, gracious what’s happening in our state? Police say, a 55-year old southwest Michigan woman shot herself in the head while adjusting a hand in her bra holster on Jan. 1. The St. Joseph County safety director says the deceased shooter was “having trouble adjusting her bra holster, couldn’t get it to fit the way she wanted it to.”

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