You’re better off now?

Recently President Barack Obama asked each of we U. S. citizens: ‘Are you better off today than you were six years ago??
Others have asked the same question.
But it’s such a broad question there can be no single answer. What does the president mean: better off?
Does he mean financially? Health? Securer? More comfortable with life generally? Safer? Could he have been singling out, morning, afternoon or evening people?
Many of us have ‘better off? feelings hourly.
Personally, the inability of my bank of over 50 years to maintain its value hit me financially. Ouch.
My health changes the last nine years is filled with X-rays, tests, and some surgeries, my family has been outstandingly healthy, I’m not sure how secure they feel, since we seldom talk politics.
But I’m sure they feel like the huge majority of people who keep aware of happenings through reading, listening or watching whatever the media chooses to present.
Nowadays, politicians dominate those outlets while voters seem to love no candidate and just want November 4 to pass.
I’ve had an absentee voter’s ballot by my chair since April 22 without a mark on it (except a couple Oxford school board candidates).
If Obama didn’t find it necessary to define ‘better off? he at least made me think about it
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The Koch Brothers have changed their spending direction. They have spent a lot of money condemning or favoring our two senatorial candidates. Now they’ve changed their messaging to promoting their own company. Sounds like they’ve gotten the ‘message.?
? The inability of the Veteran’s Administration to fire inept leaders and replace them with (hopefully) competent people took new legislation. After years of scandal at several VA hospitals and headquarters, Congress passed a law allowing appropriate dismissals. At least four top dogs have been fired. At least one step has now been taken to bring some credibility to the VA.
? I have one word to explain slow movements in various sizes of governments? COMPLACENCY! Too many are on payrolls without having received adequate direction from bosses who just don’t care!
? There’s a reason they call it the Secret Service: With that title no one even questions the person who climbed the White House fence, or why the guy got into the elevator with President Obama: It’s a secret.
? Today’s short reading from the Bible, from Genesis: ‘And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the earth.? Then he made the earth round ? And then he laughed and laughed and laughed.

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