Humor, greenies and disappearing things

You’ve gotta love some business owners? sense of humor. Especially when they display it very publicly on signs, bumper stickers and the like.
At tire shop in Milwaukee: ‘Invite us in for your next blowout.?
Outside a muffler shop: ‘No appointment necessary. We hear you coming.?
Sign on the back of a septic tank truck: ‘Caution! This truck is full of political promises.?
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Something for Obama, Gore and all other ‘greenies? to think about.
England’s most powerful supercomputer, capable of 1,000 billion calculations per second, was designed to predict climate change. After it was installed in 2009, however, critics noted the massive, hangar-sized machine required 1.2 megawatts of energy to operate.
Using that much power produces 12,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year, making the supercomputer one of Great Britains’s single worst contributors to climate change!
What’s the old saying? Danged if you do, danged if you don’t.
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? One day Washington is warning us about a milk shortage because of the drought; the next day markets are offering free milk with another purchase.
? Cheerios is advertising they, ‘carefully select? the oats for their cereals. Wonder if they sell their rejects to oat meal makers?
? In the 1970s, attorneys were allowed to advertise for the first time. I guess that ban was lifted to save the television.
? Even if you’ve already read this while Googling, or whatever, it’s like a good belch ? worth repeating.
Here are ten things to
disappear in our lifetime.
1. The post office.
2. The check. Britain will end them by 2018.
3. The newspaper (but not Sherman Publications).
4. The book.
S. The land-line telephone.
6. Music. The music industry is dying a slow death.
7. Television. Revenues are down dramatically.
8. The ‘things? you own. More and more things are being stored on hard drives,
9. Joined handwriting. Some schools no longer teach it.
10. Privacy! We’ll have to rely on memories.

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