‘Best game ever? by Tigers writer Foster

That’s what Detroit Free Press columnist Terry Foster wrote after the Sunday, August 6 game in Comerica Park.
His ‘best game ever? conclusion had more to do with a father-son thing than the Tigers come from behind win in extra innings to defeat the Indians.
Foster was there with his son, Brandon, 10, and Bart Hodge and son, Bryce, 7.
Our good friends Moke and Sue Hodge (the grandparent Hodges), lived in Oxford practically all their lives until moving to Lapeer a few years ago. Sue worked for Oxford Bank for over 30 years and ‘Moke? worked for Nabisco many years.
Back to the game and Terry Foster.
‘It was the best game ever is an appropriate way to describe the Tigers? improbable five-run rally in the 10th inning that erased a three-run deficit and stunned the Indians, 10-8.
‘It was the best game ever because on more than one occasion the boys would jump up and high five it. Some one had given them seats five rows back of the Tiger dugout, and Bryce took his baseball glove along, just in case.
‘Good move. Tiger catcher Avila flipped the ball to Bryce as he walked off the field. As he reached for the ball an adult rushed down and stuck his hand above Bryce’s glove and snatched it away.
‘He was disappointed, but not broken.
‘It was the best game ever because it was great to see the kids don’t give up on their team and their favorite players.
‘It was the best game ever because I know memories of this game will stay with the boys forever.
‘It was the best game ever because I know I was not the only dad or mom sharing the moment with their child.
‘It was the best game ever because our great seats let us view a game that swung wildly for more than four hours and featured 18 runs, 30 hits, 13 pitchers and four home runs.
‘Now do you see why it was the best game ever??
Thank you, Terry Foster.
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From Table Talk.
? Nearly a third of all bottled drinking water purchased in the US is contaminated with bacteria.
? Ants do not sleep
? Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over 1 million descendents
? Healthy nails grow about 2 centimeters each year. Fingernails grow four times as fast as toenails.
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? Some marketers, promoters and pitchmen are really worth their income. Like the person working for McDonalds who came up with the wording, ‘Quarter pounder with cheese.? Four ouncer with cheese sounds so little.
? Wife swapping is a male chauvinistic phrase I would never use and is never done in best circles of society. Wives can rarely, if ever, be traded for anything useful like a set of golf clubs. I don’t know why I kept that comparison in my collection.
? Maybe this will even us up: What do you call a good looking, intelligent, sensitive man? A rumor.

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