Before it happens, think of life without a car

Many of us know people, who because of age or health, have had their driving privileges removed.
I have never given this a thought, until a brain-dead decision I made recently.
I left the hatch-back door of my mini-van up while it was parked in my garage. But unfortunately the 2-car garage door was also open -.up.
Mindlessly, I got back into the car, put it in reverse and heard the metal-crunching sound.
I was barely moving so it couldn’t be too bad, could it? My clicker got the door to come down a foot, then it went back up . . . several times.
It was after 5:00 p.m. so I thought I’ll just leave the door up all night and call the door-man tomorrow.
However, I tossed and turned in bed, unable to convince myself no one would come through that door.
I gathered some pliers, screw drivers, hammer and prying bars. An hour later I got the door half closed. I saw no marks on the back of my van.
In daylight I saw no marks on the car, but one part was askew. The shop man said he’d order the part, and I’d have to leave the car one day during replacement.
I went home and thought about being car-less for a day. I panicked. My freedom was gone. My routine, my habits, my transportation: gone.
Ah, but I have a pill for everything. Take the one for anxiety and another for depression, some Ibuprofen, Pepto Bismal and stool softener. Nerves do that to me.
I’m writing this in the middle of my carless day. Though I have many neglected things to do around the house, none are getting done. I have 2 more hours to wait for a call.
I did wash myself, but I didn’t risk shaving. I got nothing but stupid looks from ma’dog Shayna as I explained my plight to her.
So, my feelings are deep for those who have lost driving privileges. For years we had two cars. Now, for a day I have, none.
People, some friends of mine, are going through this. I guess there’s alternatives to my routine, and He better have some for me when that time comes.
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In last week’s Jottings I quoted an Oxford Leader reader’s definition of our Supreme Court. He said they are ‘politically appointed hacks.?
I listened to too much to the press? analysis of that court’s interpretation of the Obama health care law the day it was announced.
There are nine justices on this court. The approval came on a 5-4 vote.
Certainly looks like politics to me.
Of course this isn’t new. I never remember a court decision being unanimous.
Congress words laws almost requiring multiple interpretations. They are not necessarily representing us, but more likely appealing to financial backers and party favors, like ‘I’ll vote for your law if you promise to vote for mine.?
And, of course, we have the Nancy Pelosi favorite line, ‘Let’s pass this law and then we’ll see what it says.?
Appears that way too often.

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