Hooray! White belts are making a comeback

Somewhere back in time the makers of black and brown belts concluded they had to do something about the popularity of white belts. They decided to attack the white belt makers with a fashion lie:
‘White belts should be worn only from Memorial Day to Labor Day.?
And, it caught on. You know, just like flying saucers, spinach-is-good-for-you campaigns, cats make good pets and stimulus packages.
But, this year the buying public (women who kept the white belt makers in business) convinced the makers there was money to be made in these dire times, with what will probably be viewed as a racist trick by black and brown belt makers, by flooding the internet (I refuse to put a capital letter on that word) with: ‘I love men in white belts? twitters.
Alas, men in white belts are everywhere. Mine is a no-holes belt. It has some sort of notches and catches that can easily be set and released. Love it!
So, what happened? White belt attackers have risen. People like Marty Hackel, Golf Digest’s Mr. Fashion, attack.
In the July issue he wrote: ‘What’s with all the white belts? Hey, tour pros, the 1970s called. Please give back the white belts. Actually, this retro fashion trend isn’t tacky at all. But if you’re thinking of wearing one–such as this Sumi-G Dormy ($85)–here are a few things to remember:
? 38 is the number. If your waist size is more than 38 inches, you’re allowed to wear a white belt only if you signed up for karate.
? Match your belt with your shoes and hat.
? Slim vs. wide: The wider the waist, the slimmer the belt, and vice versa.?
A golf pro shop guy named Tim gave me this Hackel nonsense.
But, this is sort of related. I’ve been trying to write a song to the tune of ‘My Bonnie lies over the ocean, my Bonnie lies over the sea. Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.?
Mine starts, ‘My body lies over my belt line, Oh, bring back my body to me.?
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My Marine brother’s ashes are being brought from his longtime Florida home to his birth state for distribution. He joined the United States Marine Corps in 1943, played football with them through two colleges, before getting his lieutenant bars. By then the war was over and he went to Japan to play golf. That’s what he told me.
Some years later when I asked him why he volunteered, he said, ‘Because our president called us.?
This was the feeling at the time of World War II. We volunteered because our country and president needed us. We’ve been at war constantly ever since. How prevalent is that ‘volunteer? feeling today? I don’t know.
Looking back at the last 11 presidents, I can wonder at how many of today’s civilians would risk their lives for a single man.
Would I do it for Ike, Kennedy, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama? Of course, I’m a lot older now. I volunteered at 17. I can’t put myself into being 17 in today’s world, but I will not encourage my grandchildren to volunteer for service in the current world leadership positions.
It’s insanity out there. Some country’s leaders have always wanted to eliminate us, but North Korea, Iran, Nicaragua? According to some new reports, few countries really like us. They oppose us in the U.N. Security Council, trade negotiations, fishing rights, flight lines, etc.
What they really like about us, while complaining, is our money.

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