Try the power of positive thinking for a little while

Try the power of positive thinking for a little while
‘Act enthusiastic and you’ll be enthusiastic? is the motto and teaching of Dale Carnegie programs. This is most often used in reference to selling.
Change it just a bit and it becomes a teaching of life: ‘Act and talk positive and you’ll become more positive.?
That’s my thought for this column. Today, I’m totally fed up with the political campaign language, the negative presentation of news and the claims that nothing is right in the world.
Today I’m going positive, at least for a little while.
I’m not listening to the unemployment figures. I’m hearing the employment numbers. Ninety-four percent of our workforce is employed.
In other words, nearly everyone who wants to work has a job.
A way to make this more visual: try to enter north- and southbound lanes of traffic on M-24, Baldwin Road, our expressways, M-15, etc. How crowded are these roads . . . they are packed.
In other words, we’re still doing what we want.
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So the Detroit Lions and Tigers have faltered. I had no trouble dropping them and going with the winning Detroit Shock. Here’s a positive team.
Those camera close-ups of players like Katie Smith and Taj McWilliams-Franklin following their WNBA championship game were as uplifting for fans as they were for the team.
Just following their Coach Bill Laimbeer is exciting. NBA champion coaches WNBA champion. Wow, what achievements.
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Today is cool and sunny, like fall in Michigan is expected to be. Colors are again outstanding. It’s the kind of weather that calls for ridding ourselves of the way-too casual look of emblazoned t-shirts and shorts, and don the adult look of long-sleeve shirts and pressed pants.
It was a pleasure to renew acquaintances with the friendly dry cleaner.
The cooler weather also puts vigor in our veins. It puts more people into the outdoors. It livens us. Give me pressed pants and a fresh, long-sleeved shirt and I’ll show you a man with pride. There’s no pride in the dress of men in shorts and short sleeved pullovers.
There’s enthusiasm in proper dressers. It makes us more positive beings.
We can also credit the coolness of fall to our getting better, fuller nights of sleep. Ah, pull on a blanket and close the lids.
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Now for a thought or two from Norman Vincent Peale. ‘If you think in negative terms you will get negative results.?
Yes, this is from Dr. Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking. I’d forgotten I even had it. These readings helped following the death of My Hazel. His thoughts help now as I try to pull myself from the over abundance of negative news.
Things aren’t totally bad. Sure there is war, human suffering, disease, etc., but ‘there’s sun in the morning and moon at night,? as the song goes.
We have some freedoms, churches, ice cream, hills and dales, barbecued baby back ribs, roofs, birdhouses, fast food joints, holidays, vacations, a wool scarf, fields to play in, animals to pet and babies that make us all smile . . . think about it.
Positive can prevail!

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