Be very clear when saying Huh or Hu-huh

Chic (pronounced Chick) and Charlie (pronounced Chuck) Drumheller are among the great couples of the world.
They are just plain fun to be around. They laugh easily, are refreshing, hospitable and blend with everyone. We’ve known them from the time they bought the IGA store in Oxford over a quarter century ago, so I think I’m safe in exposing one of their experiences.
Monday, July 2 Chic was leaving for one of her weekly golf games, when her husband complained aloud of a pain in his chest.
Please realize the Drumhellers are not new people. They’ve been married 60 years. Chic was 17 at the time . . . oops, I think I just told you her age. I also have to tell you Charlie wears a hearing aid, but like many hearing aid wearers, he didn’t have his in this particular morning.
So, when he complained of the pain, Chic said, ‘Do you want me to call 9-1-1??
He asked, ‘Huh??
Chic thought he said, ‘Uh-huh!?
She quickly dialed the emergency number then went to her golf game .*
In minutes, two police were at their Lapeer house door, immediately followed by EMS employees with needles, pills and cot.
Before Charlie could even reach for his hearing aid he was in Lapeer County Hospital.
Charlie said the white-coated people continued pushing syringes in him, making him pop pills and otherwise making him uncomfortable the rest of that day and all that night.
He said he had more tubes in him than you see in emergency rooms on CSI TV programs.
When a doctor came in that Tuesday morning Charlie was worn out from the hourly, disruptions, and could hardly understand the doctor when he asked how he slept.
The doctor suggested Charlie spend another night, but, realizing few ‘professionals? would be on hand July 4, he opted to go home.
All is fine with Charlie. I played golf with him July 11 and he beat me. He had pleurisy.
*Chic didn’t leave her husband to play golf. She went with him to the hospital. I just added the golf story to stimulate an emotion.
I also forgot to tell you July 2 is Charlie’s birthday, and that his granddaughter was there, wanting to bring him some ‘Happy Birthday? balloons to hang on his bed rail.
But the hospital staff brought him a card and a cupcake with a candle.
And, that Chic chided Charlie telling him, ‘I could have been on the eighth hole by now.?
And, that Chic asked her husband, ‘While you’re here why don’t you get a colonoscopy??
Even in his sedated state he managed a fit of anger over that suggestion. But, nobody stays mad a Chic very long.
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Heard a couple great Country Western songs recently: ‘She ain’t much to see, but she looks good to me, through the bottom of a glass.?
And, ‘I don’t know where my money went, I ain’t broke, but I’m badly bent.?
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Another Scenario: Billy breaks a window in his father’s car, and his dad gives him a good whipping.
1956 – Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college and becomes a successful businessman.
2007 – Billy’s Dad is arrested for child abuse, Billy is removed to foster care and joins a gang. Billy’s sister is told by a state psychologist that now she remembers also being abused by the father, so their dad goes to prison. Billy’s mom has an affair with the family psychologist.

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