Gov. Granholm has charisma . . .

Maybe it’s an aging thing, but I find myself getting upset more easily and more often lately.
I can’t blame the winter, ’cause we haven’t had any. It isn’t envy of my friends who have sought warmer climes, ’cause I’d rather believe they have chosen to abandon me.
It could be the ridiculously long political campaigning for the November 2006 elections, plus the already begun campaigning for the 2008 election.
I suppose it could Qalso be Iraq, Iran, the domestic auto industry, China’s coming to the USA, Michigan’s economy, crime, space, poverty, Greenies and my weakness in forbidding Shayna to get in the car whenever I start it up.
The first thing that got me today was a quote from Governor Jennifer Granholm’s press secretary, Liz Boyd, ‘The governor is not afraid to offer a solution.?
This came in response to solving the increasing state deficit, that she didn’t acknowledge as happening during her run for reelection.
Let’s admit it. Ms. Granholm won with charisma. She has an abundance, Richard DeVos had zilch.
So, how’s she offering HER solution to the shortfall? She’s outsourced it by naming a dozen people to a committee to tell her what to do. That’s fearless? Two of the committee are tax-hiking past governors, Milliken and Blanchard.
The question for us is twofold: How many tax increases will they suggest and how high?
Of course, Michigan’s income will be enhanced by Washington’s minimum wage boost — more money to spend, more taxes collected. That will not be mentioned in our governor’s solution.
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Then comes the story out of Sweden, or some such country, that the feminists are insisting that men be required to sit while urinating.
They spout two reasons: Men standing to do this chore give women the impression of male dominance, and the splash factor can spread germs.
I don’t know how many of these feminists have ever watched a man doing his releasing, but it isn’t without danger and labor, especially when it’s urgent.
Many men’s pants, especially denims, have short rises. Thus it is necessary to release the belt, unbutton, unzip and untangle our shirt tail to accomplish our mission.
These also have to be considered on the return trip. Few, if any of us feel any dominance in front of the porcelain.
The zipper is frightening by itself. Everyone of us has had extremely painful, long lasting nips from the jaws of our Talons.
That’s not funny, feminists, it hurts. Bad!
If feminists want to make a case for men sitting for all causes, they might better concentrate on laziness. Men are always looking for reasons and places to sit down.
That’s where the first auto strikes in Flint got their name, the sit-down strike.
It would have gone nowhere if union leaders called it a stand-up and walk around strike.
I’m not sure I can defend the splashing.
One thing that might be tried is lowering bathroom sinks. They could also insist that every building lot be required to plant four 8-foot high bushes so-as to leave an opening in the center to conceal the activity.
Requiring a catheter should never be considered.
I tried it and didn’t like it.

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