Parents: Shawn and Jennifer Verlinden
GPA: 4.346
Favorite subjects: Math and Science
Favorite extracurricular activities: Club and high school soccer
Hobbies/interests: Spending time with family and friends, camping, traveling, playing sports and being active.
Plans after graduation: I plan to attend college somewhere in Michigan and study engineering.
What Dylan is most proud of: Making all-state second team for soccer last season.
How Dylan makes the world a better place: I make an effort to uplift others with compliments and support whenever I can. I find opportunities to give back and contribute to the community through volunteering.
What Dylan envisions in 10 to 20 years: I hope to have a good job as a biomedical engineer where I can use my education to help improve the quality of life for others. I also want to be able to travel and see places around the world.
What issues concern Dylan the most: The increasing amount of poverty and poor living conditions for people throughout the world.
Favorite thing about Lake Orion High School: The sports games, the school spirit and sense of community everyone shows during activities like Cell Out, powder puff and football games.
Recommending staff member: Leigh Stone
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