Wolves track teams split with Dragons

The boys and girls track teams had their weeks truncated by the unexpected deluge of snow which draped over the Metro area this past week.
The girls team erred on the side of caution and skipped the West Bloomfield invitational on April 23, which would have had some of the top teams in the state competing if not being stopped by the snow after three events.
‘I made the call that we would not go (to West Bloomfield). The weather was just too bad,? said Clarkston girls track Coach John Yorke.
Earlier in the week, Clarkston was able to dispatch Lake Orion 71-57 on April 19.
‘There has always been a good rivalry between Lake Orion and Clarkston,? said Yorke. ‘You know you are doing things right when you are creating rivalries.?
Aside from the distance runners, whom have yet to lose an event and are the cornerstone of the Clarkston girls team, Senior Stephanie Parkin ran well for the Wolves, winning the 100 and the hurdles.
Yorke was also encouraged by freshman Stephanie Thorstad who jumped 5?2? in the high jump.
On the boys side of the track, the Wolves lost their only match of past week, on April 19, to Lake Orion, 81-47.
‘I know I’ve said it before but we were closer than the score shows,? said Clarkston boys track Coach Walt Wyniemko
Senior Jake Meissnest won both the shot put and discus events for the Wolves. The 800 relay team of Hazen Brennan, Ed Brennan, Chris Anderson and Nick Puroll also nabbed a first place finish.
‘The next couple of weeks will show who we are and where we are going,? said Wyniemko. ‘We are starting to look at personal and team goals in relation to the league, at regionals and in the state.?
While boys track did not have any events cancelled, their practice schedule was somewhat impacted by the unexpected harsh weather.
‘With weather like we have had, it comes to a point when you ask yourself ‘Why am I out here.? The last thing you want to do is get a kid hurt,? said Wyniemko.
Both track teams? meets against Pontiac Northern on April 26 finished too late for this edition of The Clarkston News. Both coaches felt Northern would present a stiff challenge for their squads.
‘You can never count Northern out,? said Yorke.
Clarkston will not run again until May 3 when both track teams host their counterparts from West Bloomfield at the Clarkston Middle School track.

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