What’s cookin?? New addition to every recipe

Our granddaughter, Karen Offer, earned her degree in interior design last year. The world being what it is, she worked in a Vail, Colorado golf pro shop this past summer and will teach skiing there starting in a couple weeks.
She came home last week to see her dog and parents (in that order). Her mother (our daughter Luan) cooked her a Thanksgiving dinner.
Tradition, dating to my mother in the 1930s, calls for sweet potatoes (candied yams). Never liked them and passed them quickly when they reached my dinner table seat. Dinner was over last week when I decided to retest my taste. It was so good I had a second sweet potato.
Over the years our tastes really do change, whether it’s in food or friends.
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My second food cooking note involves the same cook, daughter Luan. She asked me over for Chicken Tortillas (Mexican Cream Chicken. It’s great dish, made with tortillas, etc. It’s so easy I’ve made it, but not in a long time).
Luan’s dish didn’t have the great flavor I remembered, and I had only one helping. Later, I wondered aloud about her recipe. She said, ‘Oh, I added some peppers.?
Just this week, I was at Peggy Ritz’s. She fried some Zucchini for a snack. I mentioned that I, too, fry sliced zucchini. She told me what she put in the coating, then quickly added, ‘But I never make anything the same way twice.?
Luan has always liked Peggy, and I see why. They think alike.
Girls. If you cook something people like, don’t try to improve on it. Hmm, I guess you shouldn’t believe my first theory in regards to taste. They CAN stay the same, just as they MAY change.
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Also, remember, cooky, celery has negative calories! I takes more calories to eat a piece of celery than the celery has in it to begin with. It’s the same for apples.
And, chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
Plus, glue on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher.
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? Holidays are a bonaza for airlines. In non-holiday times a round-trip Denver to Detroit is $200. The day after Thanksgiving or Christmas it’s twice that, one way.
? I recently watched 33 Oxford Wildcat football players go through a buffet line at 24th St. sports bar in Oxford. Only one took a salad, and that was on his second trip. I was close enough to coax them, but I’m a lousy salesman. Wings and tacos went fast.
? I have a list of 40 taxes we pay regularly, sales, property, fuel, licenses, etc. Not one existed 100 years ago. You know and I know there’s more coming.
? My first car (in 1947) was a great big 1938 Buick Roadmaster. My car today is a itty-bitty 2008 Ford Edge. It took me 70 years to learn to buy what I could afford.
? This guy was walking down the sidewalk after dark. He suddenly turned toward the house, knocked on the door and told the man, ‘I’m a peeping Tom, please close your blinds.?
? Seeing the intense determination on the driver of a car as he/she works to beat the light, zips past to cut me off in my lane or hurries past a line of traffic to then turn into a bar, makes me wonder: When younger, did I used to be in that much of a hurry to die?

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