Truth to power

Gary Taylor of Independence Township has seen his property taxes increase to more than $4,000 a year, and he’s had enough.
‘I’m tired of the mumbo-jumbo from the township,? said Taylor, who has lived in the township with his family since 1976.
‘They (Township Board) are all Republicans ? Republicans are supposed to be for tax cuts.?
He talked to township, county, and state elected officials, but decided more personal action is needed. His plan: distribute about 8,000 flyers informing people about their right to challenge property assessments.
‘Challenging your property taxes is easier and cheaper than you think,? the flyer reads.
The flyer advertises a local appraiser, Hutchinson’s Appraisal, which Taylor said he found through research and has no business relationship with.
‘I’ll deal with you on even ground, but if I feel I’m being screwed, I’ll fight you,? he said. ‘That’s just what I intend to do.?
The Assessment Appeals Board of Review, made up of three township citizens, meets three months of the year. The next is set for March.
The board considers residents? opinion of value, along with whatever information they bring to back it up, versus the township’s report, then decides between the two, said township Assessor Beverly Shaver.
The board will consider ‘anything you can do to demonstrate your opinion of value,? Shaver said. ‘I encourage you to start your homework now.?
Information Taylor gathered for his appeal includes three independent appraisals on his property, all lower than the township’s assessment by an average of about $50,000. Also, houses in the area have sold for about $100,000 less, he found.
Researching home sales through local realtors is a good idea, but independent appraisals cost about $250, Shaver said.
‘You’re better off doing your our research,? she said.
As assessor, Shaver appraises all property in the township, based mostly on sales of similar homes in the area. Because of the sagging housing market, many sales values are expected to drop this year, she said.
She mails assessment change notices the third week of February.
If residents want to appeal, they can call the Assessment Office at 248-625-8114 to meet with township appraisors, and/or apply for an appointment with the Board of Appeals. Springfield Township residents, call 248-846-6530.
Check or
If the Board of Appeals rules in favor of the assessor, residents can go to the Michigan Tax Tribunal, a state agency. For more information, call 517-334-6521.

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