Trustees vote to place fire millage on ballot

During the July 8 regular meeting of the Addison Township Board of Trustees, several actions were taken:
n Board members voted unanimously to approve the site plan for collocation of additional cellular communications antennae for Sprint PCS on the pre-existing Oakland County telecommunications tower located on Noble Rd. east of Curtis Rd.
n The township board unanimously approved a new Cable Television Franchise Agreement after two years of work on the project.
n A resolution was passed approving the reauthorization of the Addison Township Fire Department’s operational millage to be placed on this year’s election ballot. The .75 mills are currently being assessed at .6615 mills, due to Headlee rollback, and the millage expires on December 31, 2004.
The fire department’s operational millage is used for providing fire protection, equipment, training and ambulance services for Addison Township.
‘This is not an increase in any way,? assured Township Treasurer Dan Alberty. ‘This is just reauthorizing the millage, not changing it in any way.?
If approved by the voters, the new operational millage will be in effect from January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2010 inclusive.

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