Trouble brewing with McCord property sale?

Independence Township resident and Planning Commissioner Sam Moraco spoke during public comment at the Oct. 18 township board meeting concerning difficulties with the McCord property sale.
According to Moraco, even though he was approved by the board to purchase the property for $5 plus the cost of restoration, he has not yet reached a contract agreement with the township’s attorneys.
‘I’m coming before the board tonight to explain some of the difficulties we are having,? said Moraco.
Moraco explained to board members that his biggest concern is ‘reversionary language? included in the contract by township attorneys Karlstrom Cooney.
‘The reversionary language on the home is making it difficult to get a lender,? said Moraco. ‘According to that language, the township can take the house back at any point if not being cared for and such. No one will be able to satisfy that.?
Moraco put forward the idea for the contract language be similar to that used for site condos.
‘I don’t feel comfortable investing all my time and money in it just to possibly give it back to the township,? he stated. ‘I’m asking for the township to find other ways to protect themselves.
‘We’ve been working on this for five weeks, and I’ve already explained to the board the time sensitive nature of this project with winter approaching ? the roof’s about to cave in,? added Moraco. ‘I would like to get the township involved in this and get something done.?
Township trustees did not comment in regards to Moraco’s request during the meeting.
In other township business:
? The board approved the appointment of Curt Carson to the planning commission.
? The formal resolution was passed to establish Individual Special Assessment Districts along Andersonville Road to eliminate private septic systems and connect area residents to the township sewer.
A second resolution was passed setting the role for the ISADs. At this time, only five homes of the 56 potential connections were listed.
A second role will be presented for approval at the same time next year.

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