Township sets 2005 millage rates

The time to set millage rates in Independence Township is once again here.
At the Sept. 20 board meeting, Finance Director Susan Hendricks presented township trustees with the proposed rates, including a truth in taxation hearing on the general fund millage.
In her opening remarks, Hendrick’s gave the board an overview of their revenue sources, including any possible cuts in state funding.
‘I suppose the good part is that what they can take from us, they’ve taken. So we can look forward to fewer cuts,? she said. ‘The budget though really is becoming harder and harder to keep balanced.?
‘We’re not as bad as some of our fellow cities, townships and villages are facing,? said Township Treasurer Jim Wenger during board comments. ‘Although our situation needs to be looked at and adjusted.
‘It’s more than just taking a little bit of the fat off, we’ve been on a diet here, and now we’re heading toward anorexia,? he concluded.
The truth in taxation hearing was held for the township general fund. No public comment was received. This rate is set at 1.02 down from 1.41 mills. The total tax levy for this account is $1,572,250.
The other four millage rates for the township are as follows (all have been rolled back in accordance with the Headlee Amendment):
? Fire ? 3.0026 rolled back from 3.2 mills, for a total amount of $4,628,250.
? Library Operation ? 0.6910 down from 0.75 for a total of $1,065,122.
? Police ? 2.0547 rolled back from 2.1214 mills for a tax levy of $3,167,150.
? Safety Path ? 0.3806 back from .5 mills for a total of $586,650.
In other township business, the board voted unanimously to join in Oakland County’s CLEMIS Radio System project.
The project is to put a new interoperable 800 Mhz radio system throughout Oakland County. The purpose is to form one communication link between departments throughout the county during large scale emergencies.
According to Independence Township Fire Chief Steve Ronk, local residents paid a tax on their phone bills for the past year to collect the money for this system.
‘This is not something we have to join. But basically, the thought is you paid for it, why wouldn’t you take it,? said Ronk.
The board did question whether or not the system would have future costs associated; however, Ronk could not provide an answer at this time. He said whether there are maintenance fees or not depends on several factors, including whether the phone tax is continued or not by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners.

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