Township Ok’s raises

With little discussion and only one dissenting voice, the Independence Township Board of Trustees voted 5-1 on Feb. 21 to increase the elected officials salaries by three percent, or a combined total of $4,697.42, for 2006.
The percentage increase came by recommendation from Supervisor Dave Wagner. In addition to his recommendation, Wagner also provided information from the Social Security website ( showing the cost of living to increase by 4.1 percent this past January.
Trustee Larry Rosso made the motion, seconded by Clerk Shelagh VanderVeen. Trustee Dan Travis was the nay vote. Trustee Charles Dunn was absent from the meeting.
‘My only objection to this motion is including the trustees with the full-time officials. They should not be grouped together,? said Travis.
The following is a listing of elected officials salaries before and after the three percent raises:
? Supervisor Wagner: from $73,027 to $75,217.81
? Treasurer Jim Wenger and Clerk VanderVeen: from $65,199 to $67,154.97
? Four Trustees (Dan Travis, Dan Kelly, Larry Rosso and Charles Dunn): to $4,726.31 from $4,588.65 annually.
The approving vote on elected officials salaries comes a month after the board voted to increase non-elected, non-union salaried employees pay. The amount of increase varied by employee, but most received four percent. For the full story, please go online to and type in ‘salary.?

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