Too bad the Pope didn’t make a stop here

I don’t recall ever hearing a commercial that I recall liking as much as the one with a cow saying ‘Eat more chicken.?
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I was caught up in all the hullabaloo in the news coverage of the Pope coming to the United States. It’s a first for him!
I listened to a lot of the rhetoric. Hearing the many Pope plans, from Washington and much of the country; was interesting, informative, educational and meaningful to this Methodist’s ears.
It was reported 70 million of our citizens would be attached to this celebration. He certainly impressed me favorably as no other non-American ever has.
Of course his 70 years of not being in the Vatican, but among the people (and for a short time before becoming a priest being a nightclub bouncer) has been great preparation.
He seemed to love the crowd and the attention as he touched babies, looked at the peoples? faces and smiled.
He’s so unlike our leaders who look for wallets, donations and votes; not that there’s anything wrong with that.
We Protestants don’t need a world leader, we just need church leaders who fit our likings and loves our Lord.
I hope the Pope makes time while he’s here to visit General Motors headquarters and stops in Germany on his way back to Rome.
Both GM and Volkswagen leaders need Biblical advice and multiple prayers to get away from their greedy tendencies and back to customer pleasing practices we used to expect from them.
We need leaders with integrity who can assure more of us who want to be more satisfied saying ‘yes? to offerings from Lansing and Washington..
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? When Northland Mall in Southfield was opened in 1954, newspapers from overseas as well as this country wrote that it would never catch on.
? Michigan ranks number one nationally in the production of dog sleds.
? The world’s first painted highway center lines were featured in Trenton, Mich., in 1911. Soon after a town named Center Line was started.
? The onion is Michigan’s largest fresh-market vegetable crop.
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A top 10 Western Song: ‘I wouldn’t take her to a dog fight ’cause I’m scared she’d win.?
I’m so miserable without you it’s like you’re still here.
Number one: ‘It’s hard to kiss the lips at night that chewed on my butt all day.?
Welcome to 430 B.C. ‘Greece is collapsing, the Iranians are getting aggressive, and Rome is in disarray.?

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