Thanks for helping us celebrate!

Some may find some irony here: We professional wordsmiths at The Clarkston News are struggling to find the words to adequately express our thanks to everyone who helped make our 75th anniversary celebration a success.
The open houses last Friday and Saturday ? and the many weeks of preparation ? would not have been possible without those who attended (of course) and those who provided valuable services to help make everything just right.
In no particular order, we offer public praise and gratitude to the following:
? Ace Hardware of Ortonville manager Tim Tyler helped immensely with our office painting project. He measured our offices and calculated the amount of supplies needed, delivered those supplies, picked up unused supplies and answered all our questions throughout the project.
? Rudy’s Market helped with both products and services. They provided work gloves when we forgot to buy them during our wall-washing and a hand cart when we moved furniture. Their staff hung our flag over our door on Friday, and provided the champagne for Friday’s open house.
? Lisa’s Confection Connection provided the tasty anniversary cookies (complete with ?75th? frosting) for Saturday’s open house.
? Heaven Scent Catering grilled and served great hot dogs on Saturday.
? Dollar Warehouse and Party Rental provided tables and chairs for Saturday’s open house.
? Amy’s Cakes in Waterford supplied our 75th anniversary cake, complete with our anniversary logo (and deserves special thanks for last-minute ‘repair? made necessary by our area’s wonderful traffic).
? The Clarkston Department of Public Works supplied barricades to help us reserve space in our parking lot for the Saturday open house.
We also have special thanks for contributions to our 75th anniversary special section in last week’s edition:
? David Savage of David Savage Photography loaned computer images from a collection of old photographs held by the Clarkston Community Historical Society.
? Connie Lektzian-Scafe loaned photographs from her personal collection and study of Clarkston history.
? The Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce conducted research into some of the community’s historic businesses.
? Anita Banach, director of marketing and communications for Clarkston Community Schools, helped with historic school information.
? Former Clarkston News editor Maralee Cook shared reflections on how technology changed the way editors put together the paper each week.
? Former Clarkston News sports writer Mel Vaara pulled from his own experience and memories to give a detailed history of Clarkston school sports.
? Independence and Springfield Township senior citizens offered their personal remembrances of Clarkston ‘back when.?
We close with repeated thanks to our advertisers (without whom we would not be in business), our news sources (without whom we would have no news to report) and our readers (without whom we would have no purpose).
The well-wishes received during this celebration have given us new reason to continue the 75-year-old tradition of quality community journalism. Let’s make more history together.

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