Talking jobs, signs and news broadcasts

Why have so many people stopped looking for jobs? Government statistics show this to be true.
Please note, I did not say people stopped looking for work. Multiple people have stopped looking for jobs because our government is determined to increase welfare opportunities and add more ‘free? money plans.
C’mon, Jottings writer, get back on your nonsensical theme. Like find out what BDO stands for. We hear it on the tube every day: ‘People who know, know BDO!?
Okay: It’s an international accounting company.
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Let me switch to Volkswagen.
This German company says it has known for a long time they were building cars with emission compliance problems. Recently, they announced they want a full examination on how this could happen.
Last week the car maker told VW owners what they should do first if they feel something isn’t ‘right? with their VW.
READY! ‘Call the attorney general!?
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Did you hear Aretha Franklin sing ‘Amazing Grace? to the Pope the other week? Her continually high and low rendzina sure wasn’t recognized by me. Of course, she wasn’t singing to me.
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‘The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is hard to verify the authenticity? ~Abraham Lincoln. Yup, Abe said that.
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A few (useful signs).
At a Chicago radiator shop: ‘Best place in town to take a leak.?
On a septic tank truck: ‘Yesterday’s meals on wheels.?
On another septic tank truck: ‘Caution — this truck is full of political promises made by the Donald, Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, etc.?
On a maternity room door: ‘Push. Push. Push.?
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I think I would win every contest that tries to determine the top listener to news broadcasts. I even hold it until the end of a report before I go to the bathroom.
Through most of my news listening time I forget the announcers are giving their opinions, not stating facts about a story. I have to remember when the announcer says, ‘Anyone who violates an order, a ruling, an act or an agreement, will be held accountable.?
Ever read the punishment they get, anyone lose their job? This is especially true of violators in governments agencies like the Pentagon, FBI, and oversight dependent committees.
That’s another way to keep our employment figures and payroll up!

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