Surprise visitor

Teachers at Bailey Lake Elementary School dressed up as various animals for their students, more than 500, this past Wednesday in the culmination of March Reading Month.
They performed the picture book ‘Is Your Mother a Llama??
After the skit, students were surprised by a visit from a llama-like animal, Selena the alpaca, with her owner Annette Smith of Eclipse Alpaca, Oxford.
They were secretly invited by the school Read-to-Me Committee, said Laura Cadreau, media specialist for Bailey Lake.
A committee member suggested inviting a llama, to go along with the teachers? skit, and another remembered Smith’s alpaca ranch. Smith brought Selena over in her minivan for the visit free of charge.
‘It was very nice of her to do that,? Cadreau said.
During March, students recorded the number of minutes they spent reading. All together, students recorded 291,700 minutes, said Principal Glenn Gualtieri at the assembly.
‘That’s absolutely outstanding,? Gualtieri said.

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