Supervisor Wagner looking to further widen Sashabaw Road

McLaren Healthcare Group? Palace Sports and Entertainment? Silverman Companies, Inc.? Road Commission For Oakland County? and County Executive L. Brooks Patterson?
What do all these entities have in common with Independence Township?
They are joining forces with Independence Township Supervisor Dave Wagner to request state and federal assistance for another Sashabaw Road widening project ? at a cost of around $13 million.
In a letter dated January 19, and signed by representatives from the above entities, Wagner asks Congressman Joe Knollenberg, chairman of the House Appropriations Committee for Transportation, to consider financial assistance for the widening of the Sashabaw Road bridge from four lanes to six over I-75 and the widening of Sashabaw Road itself to six lanes from the bridge to Clarkston Road.
‘Sashabaw has always been a problem,? said Wagner. ‘When talks began about these other developments coming in? I knew the time was now to do this.
‘Our community needs something from the state and federal (governments), especially since we did not get our Clintonville Road exit to ease congestion. I think this is perfect for the timing.?
The letter to Knollenberg reviews the history of Sashabaw Road including the heavy traffic caused by DTE Energy Music Theater’s concert season, the funneling effect caused by the creation of the Sashabaw Boulevard from Maybee Road to the I-75 bridge and the many proposed developments for the Sashabaw Road and I-75 intersection.
‘There are still serious congestion and traffic safety issues at the on/off ramps to I-75 and north of I-75 to DTE Music Theater on Sashabaw Road. There are frequent backups on Sashabaw north of I-75 and on I-75 attempting to exit at Sashabaw Road. There are also lengthy delays in exiting DTE Music Theater onto southbound Sashabaw Road,? states the letter to Knollenberg.
The letter continues to detail the proposed projects for the Sashabaw Road and I-75 area, particularly around Waldon Road. Currently, the township is reviewing projects for Orco Investments Inc., McLaren Health Group, Beaumont Hospital Group and Silverman Companies Inc.
‘Several of these developments are very positive and will bring good jobs into the area, but they will also bring traffic,? said Wagner.
‘DTE has always been willing to participate in this kind of project, but until now, we didn’t have enough players. With the cost, we are still going to need assistance.?
The letter states in its conclusion: ? The township must rely on the Sashabaw/I-75 interchange and it is overloaded in its present configuration? The estimated cost in 2006 dollars to enlarge the bridge to six lanes, and an additional one lane on-ramp to I-75 northbound and southbound, and expand Sashabaw Road to six lanes from I-75 north past the DTE Music Theater entrance to Clarkston Road is $13 million.?
The letter was carbon-copied to Congressman Mike Rogers, U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow, U.S. Senator Carl Levin and State Senator Mike Bishop.
Wagner said he hopes to receive some form of a reply, even one of receipt, in the next 30-45 days. Wagner did not have any further timeline available.
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