Study skills help students ‘SOAR? to new heights

Studying–It’s a word that most students would like to never hear again.
Unfortunately, it’s a necessary evil in order to do things like graduate from high school and college, and get that dream job.
But studying, and studying successfully, are two noticeably different things, and can sometimes mean the difference between getting an A+ or a C- by the end of a semester.
For students in today’s world, there is help available in the realm of productive studying, and it’s available right here in Lake Orion.
Susan Kruger, a former teacher in Lake Orion Community Education, has written a book designed to help students and parents learn how to study and manage homework.
Kruger began tutoring on the side while she was in college, and came up with the SOAR study skills program.
SOAR is an acronym for Set goals, Organize, Ask questions and Record your progress.
‘I was getting too many calls to handle, so I turned it into a class,? Kruger said of the tutoring operation.
She had 18 students in her inaugural class eight years ago, a number that has ballooned to as many as 55 today.
Reaction to a story printed in an area newspaper three years ago led to even more calls, and Kruger said those 200 some phone calls inspired her to turn the SOAR concept into a book.
Study skills like the ones Kruger teaches are typically not taught in schools because of the demanding state-mandated curriculum.
Kruger said teachers struggle to cover the requirements and do not have any extra time in their day to devote to study techniques or things of that nature.
‘Many teachers also tell me that they have had a hard time finding practical resources for teaching study skills,? she said. ‘I hope to change that.?
Kruger said the book, released on Sept. 20, took lots of work to complete correctly, but added that ‘it’s very rewarding to see all of the effort I put in come together.?
She added that the material covered in the book is almost exactly the same as what she teaches in the class.
‘I essentially created this program while I was still a student,? Kruger said. ‘And then I used the strategies again to get through grad-school.?
Kruger said the SOAR Study Skills are useful for students of all ages and abilities.
‘Even if students are getting all As but homework takes them a long time, this will be helpful for them,? she said.
In addition to the book, Kruger will be launching virtual homework classes for students and parents this fall.
The classes, which will meet via tele-conference line, the internet and e-mail, start in October, and meet periodically throughout the school year.
Each ‘Homework Action Group? includes 15 students, and Kruger said there are four different groups scheduled for the upcoming year.
‘I’m looking forward to having more interaction with the students so I can get their feedback,? she said.
The SOAR concept, spelled out in detail on Kruger’s website, is even getting some attention from overseas.
‘Over time, I might try to schedule a class that would be appropriate for someone internationally,? Kruger noted.
Information on both the classes and the new book are available on the SOAR website at
The website contains a number of free resources that are worth checking out, as well.

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