Students make a ‘Splash? with The Clarkston News

School activities and students are regular features in The Clarkston News ? one of our goals is to get every Clarkston student in the paper at least once before they graduate.
A group of students is going one better: writing their own newspaper and publishing it as a special section in next week’s Clarkston News.
Springfield Plains Elementary’s journalism club publishes Dolphin Splash ? the school mascot is a dolphin ? twice a year, just before winter break and again at school-year end.
This year, parent volunteer Ann McMichael coordinated with Clarkston News Assistant Publisher Don Rush for community-wide publication.
‘The kids are really excited,? McMichael said. ‘We are really grateful.?
McMichael brought the club to Springfield Plains Elementary after running it for five years at Independence Elementary.
Redistricting transferred her son Riley McMichael to the Holcomb Road school.
About 35 students in grades 3-5 participate, interviewing, writing, drawing cartoons, taking photographs, everything needed to fill a newspaper.
‘I got to write about anything I wanted to ? she didn’t tell us what to write about,? said fifth-grader Mackenzie Proper, who wrote a story about a girl who wanted to work in newspapers.
Christian McCarty wrote a comic about a guy named Bob who’s ‘not the smartest guy in the world.?
‘It’s really fun ? after it was published, people were laughing and saying that I should make more,? McCarty said. ‘I like doing it.?
Courtney Jones created a quiz for one of last year’s papers, and this year interviewed Principal Sharon Devereaux.
‘I was really nervous,? said Jones, who asked her about her hobbies, past jobs, and favorite book.
Riley wrote a column about bullying, and how he dealt with bullies in the past by getting help from the principal.
‘I strive to have the kids try something new, get them out of their comfort zone,? Ann McMichael said. ‘It’s a learning experience ? it’s not that they have to be the best. They just have to try their best.?
New this edition are Happy Grams, available to students for 50 cents to send messages to other students.
The club is also working to get sponsors for prizes to use as reader incentives.
Helping are parent helper Lisa Johnson and student vounteer Mandy Tack.
‘They’re a huge help,? McMichael said.
Tack is a 10-grade student at Clarkston High School.
‘It was nice of her to take time out of her schedule to help us out,? McMichael said. ‘The kids thought it was cool that she was there.?
The spirit of Principal Devereaux, who passed away eaarlier this year, continues to guide the club, McMichael said.
‘I really miss Dr. Devereaux,? she said. ‘She was so excited about this program. We keep her in mind ? it makes us want to do better.?
The club meets after school,a schedule that will probably have to change next year with a new schedule that starts and ends school 40 minutes later.
‘We’re exploring the idea of journalism club in the morning,? she said. ‘I’d like to have input, so see what parents think about having it at 8:30 a.m.?
The club meets about an hour a week. To provide input, e-mail her at

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