Students count in Clarkston

An increase in Clarkston’s student population could mean as much as $520,000 for the district.
A total of 8,136 Clarkston students were counted Sept. 26, statewide Count Day determining districts’ enrollment. State funding is calculated on a per-pupil basis.
The initial count is 71 more than last year.
K-5 enrollment is 3,548, down 13 students from last year. New early childhood program this year, for Young Fives and Extended Day Kindergarten, counted 71 students. Students counted at Clarkston’s elementary schools were:
Andersonville, 436, down 25;
Bailey Lake, 527, up 2;
Clarkston, 425, up 15;
Independence, 573, down 22;
North Sashabaw, 445, down 3;
Pine Knob, 516, down 22; and
Springfield Plains, 555, down 29.
“There was a shift of some kids from K-5 to the new program,” said Assistant Superintendent David Reschke.
Preliminary county for grades6-12 is 4,588, up 84 from last year: Sashabaw Middle School, 1,224, down 7; Clarkston Junior High, 1,305, up 30; Clarkston High, 1,897, up 27; Renaissance High, 162, up 34.
Some of the increase is students transferring from private schools now too expensive due to the economy, Reschke said.
“We have one of the top high school programs in Michigan,” he said.
Attendence numbers will be checked, which could result in lower numbers. Also, state per-pupil funding is not yet finalized ? current discussions point to a one-percent increase. Per-student funding last year for Clarkston was $7,332.
“That’s less than we were led to believe,” said Superintendent Al Roberts.
“We’re happy there are more students, but we don’t know what that will mean at this time ? it’s hard to say right now.”
“The district forecase of low growth is still accurate,” Reschke reported Monday to the Board of Education. “For financial planning purposes, the blended count numbers after the audit will likely indicate the district will have grown by approximately 50 students in one year. This will represent a growth of slightly less than one percent.”
An update to the Board of Education will be provided after the state audit is completed, he said.

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