Student designs chosen to promote ‘Best Seat in the House?

Congratulations to Oxford High School juniors Anthony Esparsa and Julie Ardelan for their digital art designs being chosen for the Performing Arts Center’s Best Seat in the House order form.
Each student in Maria Wolbert’s digital imaging class used photos of the wooden carved tree plaque and the PAC to create their forms.
Marge Payne, managing director for the PAC, said she wanted the class to come up with a creative form that would feature the tree carved by OHS teacher Brian Agar that graces the wall in the theater’s lobby.
‘It’s very classy, simple and straight-forward,? she said of Esparsa and Ardelan’s design.
Their form will be on display in front of the theater and will be printed in the Orion Art Center’s class and events booklet.
Other finalists, juniors Jeff Helm and Michael Nelson, and seniors Brandon Robertson and Deveraux Spicknall, will have their designs printed onto brochures. Besides Payne, teacher Debra Brown and Assistant Superintendent Nancy Kammer helped choose the finalists.
For $100, anyone can purchase an engraved brass plate to honor a current or former student, family member or friend of the arts.
Payne said 30 plates have already been purchased and that the tree can hold 400. All proceeds are used for the different ‘branches? of arts at the school and to bring in special performers, like Three Men and a Tenor.
To purchase an engraved brass plate, fill out the order form at Click on the ‘Extracurricular? link, then the ‘Performing Arts Center? link.

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