Springfield plans

Springfield Township heads into the new year with a new three-year budget.
“Revenue is down a little and state share revenue is higher than projected ? overall, revenue is up a little,” said Supervisor Collin Walls. “The board continues to be a good group, individuals working for the common good with the ability to work together. We’ve worked together before. We’re lucky. There’s little to no politics, we work hard to work together.”
Budget projections are based on revenue increasing by three percent in 2014 and another three percent in 2015.
“We’re very comfortable with 2014,” he said. “For 2015, we’re still comfortable but it’s far enough away, it’s hard to tell in this economy.”
Development is still expected to be slow, but improving over last year, Walls said.
“The building department had no site plans to review in 2012, so anything would be an improvement,” he said. “There’ll be maybe 3-4 site plans. Questions are coming in. People are talking about possibilities.”
The board plans to review Dixie Highway renovation plans from 2010, he said.
“We’ll look at sanitary sewer systems and the impacts of options and various development potentials,” he said. “Storm water, sanitary, water service for fire could allow development and impact land use decisions.”
He won’t automatically be in favor of new development, however.
“SEMCOG (Southeast Michigan Council of Governments) population projection over the next 40 years for this community is stagnant, mostly,” he said. “We shouldn’t keep building throwaway complexes and infrastructure.”
Long-term projects also include replacement or upgrade of fire station one, and replacement of an old fire truck.
“Next year we’ll have a vehicle that’s 20 years old,” he said. “We’ll save up for that. You can’t just reach into your pocket to replace something like that.”
The Township Board meets Thursday, Dec. 13, 7:30 p.m., at Civic Center, 12000 Davisburg Road.

Springfield Township budget

2012 – $2,128,700
2013 – $1,998,800
2014 – $1,819,400
2015 – $1,835,400
2012 – $2,107,150
2013 – $1,998,880
2014 – $1,819,345
2015 – $1,781,480

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