Senior Center delayed

After months of preparation, the Independence Township parks and recreation commission voted on May 4 to rescind their proposal for a $3.1 million senior center bond issue and 0.25-0.5 millage proposal on the August ballot ? and asked the township board to do the same at the May 16 meeting.
During the meeting, the commission recommended for the township board to plan on a November ballot.
According to Chairman David Lohmeier, the commission to decided to rescind the plan after learning the property being purchased from Clarkston Schools is larger than thought. The group voted to reexamine the proposal ? and possibly create a design that includes an ‘incorporated? gymnasium.
‘Let’s take a step back and do this thing right,? Lohmeier told trustees the commission decided. ‘This was a courageous action by the commission.?
Lohmeier concluded his presentation by emphasizing the need for cooperation in the matter, ‘If we don’t have a greater level of resources applied, we will not make even the November deadline.?
Originally on April 6, the commission approved a proposal that allowed for a 14,000-square-foot, stand alone senior center for a cost of $3.1 million. The design plans were provided by JM Olsen Construction.
The commission also voted at the time against a gymnasium.
‘We decided as a commission to take the gymnasium off the table,? explained Lohmeier. ‘The cost and size of the structure was not an effective use of our resources.
‘It was not just the money. It was the fact of looking at what you would really achieve. It would be a mediocre facility.?
Although a couple board members voiced their approval, not everyone on the township board agreed with the commission’s decision.
Treasurer Jim Wenger said the move is a ‘mistake? that could hinder the township’s ability to budget appropriately in the fall. He emphasized the reason for the millage proposal was not just to support the senior center operations, but to help stabilize parks and recreation funding.
‘I think it’s a travesty for this board to not go forward with Plan A (the rescinded commission proposal,)? said Wenger. ‘To do noting in August I think is a mistake.?
Parks and Recreation Director Mike Turk agreed.
‘We are in trouble if we do not do something in August or November,? said Turk. ‘Is it (the gymnasium) a good idea at this time, I don’t think so, but we can plan ahead for that and make it a Phase II.
I think the best is for the board to act and act now ? not wait until November.?
Turk agreed with Wenger that parks and recreation is in ‘financial trouble.? He reiterated that the department’s surplus was used in this year’s budget to keep operations running, and the one-time fix is now gone.
‘I say put this in front of the people and let the people decide if they want to keep receiving these services,? said Turk.
‘August is our best chance to pass this. If we do nothing, we have a gloomy future in our community.?
Trustee Dan Kelly did not agreed with Wenger or Turk’s assessments of the situation.
‘We need the commission’s support to get this done,? said Kelly. ‘The state shared revenue cuts are a reduction to the general fund, not specifically parks and recreation. I will be looking at the entire budget and don’t see parks and rec necessarily absorbing all the cutbacks.?
After discussion, the township board voted 4-1 to ‘take a step back.? Treasurer Wenger voted against the motion. Clerk Shelagh VanderVeen and Trustee Charles Dunn were not in attendance.
When asked later, Supervisor Dave Wagner said the commission has had access to the recently completed survey information since December. He added that he was unaware members of the committee did not have, or had not seen, the information.
For background stories on the senior center proposal, please go online to and type ‘No action on senior center ballot issues? into the search engine. For a more general search, type in ‘senior center.?

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