Runners undefeated for sixth year

Another year – another perfect record.
The Oxford men’s cross country team finished the 2003 season with a 6-0 record, placing them top in the league with a 42-0 record for the past 6 years. The boys share the league title this year with the Fenton Tigers.
“This is the seventh year in a row that we’ve been league champs,” said Coach Ray Sutherland.
On Oct. 8 against Linden and Fenton, the Oxford men wiped the slate clean by claiming all five top slots. The Wildcats defeated Linden 50-15 and Fenton 29-26. Placing for Oxford in order were Donnie Richmond with 16:14, Kevin Brown with 17:12, Kenny White with 17:25, German Guerrero with 17:42 and Todd Davidson at 17:59.
At the Flint Metro League Tournament, the Oxford men took second place out of seven teams, which caused the tie for league champs with Fenton. Taking Individual League Champion for the third year in a row was Donnie Richmond who came in at 16:40. Also placing First Team All League were White in fifth with 17:36 and Brown in seventh with 17:44. Placing Second Team All League were Guerrero in 10th with 18:09 and Tim Rowland in 13th with 18:23.
The Oxford lady runners were not as successful, but tried hard and finished with a 2-4 record in the league. The ladies lost to both Linden and Fenton at the Oct. 8 meet. Placing for Oxford were Lauren Cribb in fifth with 22:40 and Jacque Magdalino in sixth with 22:52.
At the FML Tournament, the girls took fifth place out of seven teams. Lauren Cribb deserves special recognition for the day being the only Oxford lady to place. She was named Second Team All League with 22:70.
A new event for the Wildcats this past week was the Rochester Freshman-Sophomore Invitational. The Wildcats sent eight men and two women to the first run of the event.
The younger Oxford men took third out of 12 schools. Todd Davidson came in third with 18:38, Adam Richmond came in 10th with 19:06 and David Gillbert came in 25th with 20:56. The other runners for the day were Alex Bergel with 22:13, Greg White with 23:20, Charlie Bierworth with 23:28, Brice Galbraith with 23:30 and Ryan Paul with 25:16.
The ladies sent Jacque Magdalino, who came in 10th with a personal best of 22:29, and Jessica Checkerowski, who came in 32nd with 28:00.
The Wildcats are gearing up to run in Regionals this Saturday, Oct. 25.
“I expect the whole team to do well and get some state qualifiers, and hopefully a team qualified,” concluded Sutherland.
Editor’s note: Results from the Oxford Invitational on Oct. 10 were not available at time of publication.

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