Rules for septic systems too strict

A proposed zoning ordinance regulating community sewer systems will probably be sent back to the Independence Township Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission recommended the ordinance for approval and forwarded it to the Township Board last year. However, the board may send it back for revision.
As it is now, the ordinance requires that septic and other wastewater systems that serve more than one house be at least 200 feet from property boundaries. This rule is too restrictive, said Jim Scharl of Kieft Engineering, Inc., at the Jan. 16 regular Township Board meeting.
Scharl, who has been working on a 10-acre development on Clarkston Road since 2005, said the property is too narrow to comply with the ordinance.
If approved, it would preclude all small developments, he said.
The ordinance can be revised to set up a graduated set of setback rules, said Richard Carlisle, planning consultant.
The 200-foot setback should be maintained for large developments, but smaller developments can have a smaller setback, Carlisle said.
The Township Board voted unanimously Jan. 16 to schedule a first reading of the ordinance for its Feb. 6 regular meeting. Procedurally, the first reading is needed before it could be referred back to the Planning Commission.
The commission will review the ordinance at a future meeting, probably in March.
The Township Board meets at 7:30 p.m., first and third Tuesdays, at the Independence Township Library. For more information, call 248-625-5111.

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