Principals get creamed

Usually, if a student throws food at school during lunch, it results in a trip to the principal’s office. Now, if the student throws food and hits the principal, that’s a whole different situation.
Students at Daniel Axford and Oxford Elementary got to find out what it was like to hit the principal in the face with a whipped cream pie without a trip to the office as a reward for raising more than $135 each for the schools annual ‘Fun Run? fund-raiser.
At OES Dec. 9, a group of 14 students, and even a few brave teachers, lined up to take aim at Principal Jeff Brown, who by the end had his fair share of whipped cream for the rest of the year. The top fund-raiser at OES was fifth-grader Andrew Pezolt, who earned more than $350.
The fun continued at DA Dec. 10 as Principal Joyce Brasington faced her pie-filled fate in front of the entire school body. It took a little under 10 minutes for 17 students to give Brasington the whip cream facial of her life.
First-grader Catherine Dobies was DA’s top fund-raiser, earning $700 and taking home an Ipod, while Second-grader Jasmin Jenkins raised $600 and took home a scooter.
The students at OES and DA together raised over $21,800 for their schools.

Students at Daniel Axford and Oxford elementaries got to find out what it was like to hit the principal in the face with a whipped cream pie, without a trip to the office as a reward for raising more than $135 each for the schools’ annual fun run, fund raiser. Pictured is DA first grader Zachery Barriger giving the biz to DA Principal Joyce Brasington.

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