By Meg Peters
Review Co-Editor
It only took four students and one supervisor to tape over 2,700 positive messages on every locker at Lake Orion High School last Tuesday, April 19.
Their goal was to inspire their peers the morning of April 20, or 4-20, to make conscious, healthy choices.
Teens in Action is a subgroup of the North Oakland Community Coalition (NOCC). Members sophomore Marc Hesse, and juniors Doneen Hesse, Marissa Granett and McKenna Caron hand picked over 100 memorable quotes to use and spent five hours in the high school dispersing them.
“My experience was extremely rewarding,” junior Marissa Granett said. “Knowing that I could have helped someone out or brought a positive light to their day mad me fell really good inside because know one knows what people are struggling with. One kind word or gesture may change a person’s whole outlook on how they feel that day.”
Granett said her experience with Teens in Action has been completely gratifying.
“All four of them are such great kids, this is the stuff that makes me just keep on going,” NOCC Youth Advisor Patti Charette said. “It’s all about creating a positive influence, helping their peers feel empowered and good about themselves. Ultimately the goal is to make healthy choices. If they are fed healthy messages chances are they will make healthy choices.”
Teens in Action is also preparing for their annual NOCC Family Fun Color Run at Friendship Park May 7. The Color Run fundraiser helps pay for the little things, like the positive messages at the high school for two years in a row, the summer day camps for girls, and the Annual Court Night that students just attended Monday.
Tickets are $25 per person, or $50 for a family of four.
“It’s an inexpensive family event that goes to a great cause. Outside of it being a blast, everyone knows the Color Run but they’re just starting to realize it’s associated with NOCC,” Charette said.
The Color Run begins at 9:30 a.m., and plenty of activities, including a petting zoo, bounce house, face painting, and much more, follow the run. Participants can register at The run is handicap accessible, and will prevail rain or shine.
Anyone interested in sponsoring the event can all Charette at 248-762-2992.

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