Officer arrests youth after concealed weapon is revealed

The 20-year-old stepson of a Tor Rd. resident was arrested by the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department on Sept. 23 on charges of felonious assault and carrying a concealed weapon.
According to the report, Deputy J. Gerds was investigating a felonious assault complaint from the young man’s 45-year-old stepmother when he came across the suspect on Lakeshore Dr. in the Lake Villa Mobile Home Park. The officer reports that he was approaching the suspect when the young man ‘reached under his sweatshirt, pulled a black object out and dropped it behind the tree.?
The deputy searched and cuffed the 20-year-old youth for the officer’s safety. The report states the officer then found a ‘large dagger in a black sheath? by the tree. The deputy reports that the suspect confirmed that knife was his and that he ‘enjoyed the forgotten art of knife throwing.?
According to the sheriff’s report, the young man’s step mother claims the suspect threw a knife at her and then attacked her when she attempted to gain possession of the weapon. She noted for police that the 20-year-old had cut his hand during the struggle.
Deputy Gerds arrested the suspect and transported him to the substation where he was read his rights and further interviewed. The suspect was then charged and transported to the Oakland County Jail.

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