New Blanche Sims Elementary School opening ceremony

New Blanche Sims Elementary School opening ceremony

By Megan Kelley
Staff Writer
LAKE ORION — After more than five years of planning, the brand new Blanche Sims Elementary building is officially open.
The opening ceremony and ribbon cutting last Wednesday featured district administration, staff, students, members of the school board, township Supervisor Chris Barnett, GMB Architects and contractors from Frank Rewold and Sons showcasing the new facility.
“This really is a special event. Although we’ve been in the building now for a couple of weeks, it still feels very very new and we’re going to make it our own and it’s just going to be an outstanding place for kids to learn and grow,” said Principal Ken Nuss. “Having just witnessed and seen a building that was up for around 80 years, it really is historic. And seeing the love that people had for the old building – wanting bricks, wanting memorabilia. It reminds me of how impactful your elementary experience is, that people remember it the rest of their lives.”
“A student not too long ago came into the building during the first week and the student said, ‘Mr. Nuss, I like our new school, it’s like a museum.’ and I didn’t know how to take that, is that a bad thing or a good thing? Because I don’t want to create a museum, I want to create a loving, nurturing place. So, right now, it’s the shell of Blanche Sims and it’s wonderful and it’s great but now we’re going to make it home and we’re going to make it our own,” said Blanche Sims Principal Ken Nuss.
The new Blanche Sims facility was the largest project in the districts $160 million bond which was passed by voters in 2018.
“They say strong vibrant schools are the cornerstone of a strong vibrant community. We believe that to be true and as a board we are committed to the education of our students. Five years ago the board of education put forth a bond o the community that included funding for a new Blanche sims,” said LOCS School Board President Birigt McQuiston. “Our community responded positively to that bond election and one of the results for that amazing support is the incredible building we have before us today. I want to thank our community for supporting the education of our young Dragons. Our students are our future, and with the support of our community, our future is looking very bright.”
The bond proposal, which was branded “Safer, Stronger and Smarter” included a number of district wide upgrades including secure entryways, technology and other enhancements, some of which were building specific.
But at roughly 69,000 square feet, the nearly $30 million project at Blanche Sims includes 19 classrooms all with interactive panels, added extended learning spaces, a STEM room, an updated media center and, of course, a brand new playground.
“I do want to thank the community for passing the bond many years ago. It has been a journey since then, a journey with a vision, a vision to provide our children with an exceptional education. Not just an education but an exceptional education. An education that we provide in Lake Orion. Although we loved our new school and that felt like home, this new school will give us many more opportunities.,” Nuss said.
Superintendent Ben Kirby also iterated all the other bond projects completed by the district over the course of five years and what is next to come.
“This amazing project complements the work that has been accomplished in the last few years. As you recall, Webber Elementary had an addition of about 26,000 square feet with a couple of extended learning centers, a stem lab and a new media center. The Early Childhood Center was opened in the fall of 2021, which was a $13 million project with approximately 50,000 square feet as well. Stadium Drive Elementary, they also got a new secure entry and a number of utility updates. Paint Creek has a secure entry now as well as all the interactive panels that we have at our other school facilities. Pine Tree Center, this summer, also has a secure entry now as well as some interior upgrades,” Kirby said. “Scripps, Waldon and Oakview Middle Schools, they all now have secure entries so we’re really making some significant advancements in security. In summer of 2024, which feels like it’s right around the corner, Waldon and Oakview will have some interior projects, some of that work will be done and we’ll start to finalize series three, which is our final series, and start the planning of that in 2024. This is definitely a great time to be a Dragon.”
Joining the celebration to cut the ribbon were two students, Anderson and Sloane Valko, students at Blanche Sims who were selected to represent both the older students and the younger students of the school.
“As was the case with the old Blanche Sims, our new building isn’t just about bricks and mortar, it’s a symbol of our commitment, our communities commitment, and the belief that every child can reach their potential. At Blanche Sims, we say, ‘every child, every day’ and this will help us do that,” said Nuss. “As we cut this ribbon, we are opening the hearts and minds to the world of discovery. It makes me feel so much joy to know how many kids are going to walk through these halls and be well prepared for their future.”

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