Making thier voice count

Clarkston youths of all ages made their voices count during the Nov. 2, 2004 elections through Kids Voting USA.
Kids Voting USA gives students an opportunity to vote and voice their opinions on current political issues. This year’s ballot contained choices for U.S. President, Oakland County Sheriff, Oakland County Clerk/Register of Deeds, 8th District Representative in Congress and 44th District State Representative. The students also voted on Proposal 1: a proposal to amend the state constitution to require voter approval of any form of gambling authorized by law and certain new state lottery games.
This is the fifth election in the past eight years for Clarkston students. The program began in 1996 and is held every two years.
‘They learn that their vote really does make a difference,? said Sherry Regiani, executive director of Kids Voting Mid-Michigan.
Kids Vote polling stations were placed in the regular precinct voting locations. This included all seven Clarkston Community Schools elementaries, the Independence Township Library and six area churches. Students voted on age appropriate ballots: kindergarten-2nd voted for president and vice president of the United States; 3rd-5th grades added the sheriff and clerk races; and 6th-12th graders completed the entire ballot.
In addition to actually voting, students spent time in the classroom learning about the election process and the two-party system. Teachers encouraged their youngsters to take home the lessons and discuss the political issues with their families.
‘The best part is always the large voter turnout,? said Regiani. ‘Kid Voting communities tend to have a larger voter turnout.?
‘The kids talk about the issues and their choices with their parents. They get a strong sense of family values from this and everyone becomes better informed on the topics.?
For many students, the opportunity to be heard is all that matters.
‘It’s cool because I’m not 18 yet, but I get to express what I think,? said 10-year-old Abbey Hubregsen.
Following are the results from the Kids Vote election:
n President and Vice President – George Bush and Dick Cheney won with 882 votes followed by John Kerry and John Edwards with 300.
n Michael Bouchard won Oakland County Sheriff with 619. Mark Mitchell received 209.
n Ruth Johnson won Oakland County Clerk. Jason Ellenburg received 188 and Joseph Server 65.
n Mike Rogers was selected the 8th District Representative in Congress with 398 votes.
n John Stakoe won the 44th District State Representative seat with 401.
n The students voted down Proposal 1 291-264.
‘The kids really take this seriously,? said Regiani. ‘They are so responsible with this. All of them are.?
Congratulations kids on taking the time to make your vote count!

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