Lung disease claims Clarkston grad

David Carpenter, Clarkston High School graduate in need of a double lung transplant, succumbed to his illness June 16.
His death was unexpected, but his family, brothers Russel, Randy, and Steve, sister Karen, parents Lew and Jackie Carpenter, and wife Vicki, had gathered to be with him the week before.
‘We had not all gotten together in 30 years,? Steve said. ‘I’m grateful for that.?
A fund raiser had been set for June 9 to help with the operation, but his health disqualified him from the transplant list and the benefit was cancelled, Steve said.
Family members had planned for the trip, however, so got together anyway. David still had his sense of humor and wit, Steve said.
‘We were talking about how an aunt would dress him up (as a child). We didn’t know it, but he was in the other bedroom listening. He came out and said that happened just two weeks ago,? he said.
David suffered from a tissue disease causing his immune system to attack his lungs. He needed oxygen tanks to breathe, and was living in Ann Arbor to be close to University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where the transplant operation would take place.
He was looking for a higher-capacity oxygen system so he could exercise more to qualify for the transplant, Steve said.
‘He was unhappy (with his oxygen system),? Steve said. ‘He wanted to get out and do stuff.?
David passed away peacefully, Steve said.
‘His lungs worked too hard, too long,? he said. ‘He went in his sleep ? I thank goodness for that.?

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