Layoffs for 31 teachers

Dozens of teachers face layoff this spring ? Clarkston Board of Education voted 7-0, April 22, to approve 31 pink slips for teachers all over the district.
“Why are we pink slipping this many people,” asked Susan Boatman.
Deputy Superintendent Shawn Ryan said administration recommended laying off 10-13 teachers, but with open enrollment and other budget enhancements still up in the air, the list had to include all potential layoffs.
‘We need to keep options open,? Ryan said. ‘This is to make sure we don’t take away any options the board may like to explore this spring.?
Board Treasurer Stephen Hyer asked fellow board members to make decisions as quickly as possible to lessen uncertainty.
‘This gets harder and harder every year ? I know first hand these are excellent teachers,” Hyer said. “The quicker we can zero in on exactly what we’re doing revenue wise, (the better).”
Board Secretary Rosalie Lieblang said the board received the plan two weeks ago and they need time for analysis.
“We need to make the right decision rather than make decisions quickly,” Lieblang said.
‘I don’t think anyone wants to make this kind of cut,? said Trustee Joan Patterson. ‘I hate doing this ? I have to apologize, but I have to make sure this district can continue to go on.?
According to contract, all layoff notices must be issued by the end of April, Ryan said.
The board meets for a budget workshop, 6 p.m., May 6.

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