Landmarks, cultural activities on tap for Stein’s trip to China

Leonard resident Andrew Stein received another honor last week when he was selected to join an intensive two-week study trip to China, led by the National Committee on United States-China Relations.
Stein, a recent Oxford High School grad, will join 11 other Presidential Scholars on the trip June 26-July 10.
While in China, the students will visit famous sites in Beijing, Xi’an and Luoyang, stay with host families, take part in cultural activities with other Chinese students and learn about the country’s history, culture, education and politics.
Stein, 18, will leave for China following the Presidential Scholars National Recognition Week activities in Washington, D.C., where he will get to meet President Bush.
He admits that he didn’t think he was going to be chosen for the trip because he received a late notice via e-mail. ‘When I got it, I was really thrilled,? he said.
Stein has never been to Asia, but he said he’s not nervous to be thrown into a completely different culture.
‘It’s not like it’s a dangerous place,? he said. ‘I love having the opportunity to see some new things and I’m glad that it’s not just like America.?
Although he said it sounds clich?, Stein is looking forward to seeing the Great Wall of China. ‘It’s such a cool landmark and everything and it’s what everyone thinks of when they think of China,? he said.
Other sites the students will visit are Tiananmen Square, Peking University, the Shaanxi History Museum and the Terra Cotta Army, but Stein said he’s most excited to interact with the people of China.
Landmarks aside, Stein will also get to learn things like Chinese calligraphy, traditional music instruments and Chinese martial arts. The entire trip is funded by the Wall Street Institute School of English.
Because the Chinese traditionally enjoy giving gifts, Stein will be bringing items that are ‘very American? for each of his host families.
He’s been trying to learn some of the Chinese language from a friend.
‘I’m still very bad,? he joked.

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