Lake Orion Village Council and the DDA are doing what?

In the last several years the Lake Orion Village Council seems to have devolved into a mini-dystopian government.
They have repeatedly sided with commercial developers to allow for several properties in the village to be rezoned and converted to apartment meccas, which will greatly increase the infrastructure and parking pressures we are already suffering from.
To add insult to injury, the council granted a sweet 10-year tax abatement for the West development as well as a stunning number of variances to zoning ordinances to accommodate these commercial developers (building height, required parking spaces, etc.) so they can stack up renters like cord wood.
Next, the council decides it’s intolerable having to converse with the village residents who have questions and concerns about the council’s decisions and the developments, so what do they do?
They change the rules so no conversation can happen and residents are limited to five minutes to speak to the blank stares of the still and silent oil painting faces of the council members.
Begging the question, what’s the point of allowing residents to speak? The council ignores them and seemingly has no obligation to respond to questions.
Speaking of dystopian governance, the Lake Orion DDA, which has been under increased scrutiny from the village taxpayers, due in large part to its oddly large tax capture area, have decided that rather than communicating the benefits of the DDA to the non-business village taxpayers and winning support on merit, chooses instead to file a lawsuit against one of the village residents who has successfully petitioned to have a vote for the elimination of the DDA (TIF ordinance) put on the November ballot.
Not a great way to win hearts and minds, in my humble opinion.

Kevin Breslin
Lake Orion

One response to “Lake Orion Village Council and the DDA are doing what?”

  1. (MY thoughts) Don’t forget 11-7-23, Money talks, B.S. WALKS, BIG MONEY, one 10 yr tax abatement is before the board, 4 – 5 more to come. voters of Orion, WAKE the Hexx UP UNLESS you want the Village of Orion to be on the map like RUDD’S MILL, boarded up and GONE. Just a SPEED BUMP in the ROAD NORTH and SOUTH aka M-24, and just wait until until the new B.F.(T.C. Conklin, Orion, and Stony creek road is open, sometime between now then and God only knows, you thought, over, under, around and thru the Village was a BIG PITA, take a hitch UP on he old seat belt and get a NEW BATTERY and BREAK PADS ALL AROUND, don’t forget to call home, you might just might be (smiggen – tad)late for supper, and DON’T FORGET to remember to VOTE 11-7 just think about the band on the Titanic, at least they were still aboard and playing so i have read.

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