Keyholing kicked back to trustees

The Independence Township Planning Commission was not impressed with the anti-keyholing ordinance referred to it by the Township Board.
The commission voted unanimously Thursday to send it back with a recommendation for denial.
The Township Board will take the recommendation under advisement and make the final decision about it at a future regular meeting.
The zoning ordinance as proposed would prohibit developers from building a marina ? offering use of a lake to several non-lakefront residences, such as condominiums, by “keyholing” it through a single lakefront property. It would affect new development as it comes before the Planning Commission.
‘This issue is obviously very important to a lot of people,? said Commissioner Curt Carlson. ‘The more I’ve looked into this, the more I realized that what we have here would not affect the lake in the manner that we want.?
The ordinance is too weak to significantly reduce boat usage on the lakes, Carlson said.
‘We have to have an ordinance that makes sense ? this one isn’t it, unfortunately,? he said.
Water-quality problems in the township’s lakes are caused by overuse and abuse, much by residents who live around them, said Planning Commission member Sam Moraco.
“This ordinance would not affect water quality – it has no means of enforcement,” Moraco said.
A general ordinance, which could place limits on lake use that would apply to all, would be more effective at cleaning up the lakes, said Commissioner Cheryl Karrick.
Another option for lakefront residents would be to form their own lake boards, said Commission member Joan McCrary.
Lake boards are funded by local assessments and set rules for use of the water. They already exist on several lakes in the area, McCrary said.
‘I think that’s a very good suggestion,? said Commission member Larry Rosso, who serves on a lake board. ‘They’re very effective.?
Keyholing has been an issue in Independence Township for about 19 years, especially around Deer Lake. The township began work on an ordinance about four years ago, when it was referred to committee and tabled several times by the Township Board and Planning Commission.
Check our website for a history and updates on this issue.

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