Kerr named DAR ‘good citizen?

Every year Clarkston High School teachers and counselors face the daunting task of selecting one student for the Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizens Program and Scholarship Contest. This year’s remarkable senior is Anna Kerr.
Kerr, daughter of Maureen Tippen and Andrew Kerr, was chosen from among 15 nominated seniors. She moved to Clarkston with her family, including younger sister Kathleen, when she was in 0first grade.
At school, Kerr is vice president of the Spanish Club, a 3-year member of the STAR Club, a member of Peer Listening (a group that teaches students listening skills and enables them to provide support to peers) and a participant of Peer Mediators (a program where upperclassmen assist freshmen with the transition to high school). She ran track and cross country for three years.
Outside of school, Kerr said she is very active in her youth group at St. Daniels Catholic Church. One of her favorite activities has been participating in a yearly mission trip to the Dominican Republic with Midwest Medical Mission.
‘My mom’s done this for years, and I’ve done it my entire life helping her ? with the grunt work and such,? explained Kerr. ‘But I actually got to go for the first time last year. I worked at the clinic…It was amazing.?
Kerr said she is enjoying her last year of school, but really anticipates starting her college work. She plans to join the Peace Corps after graduation and to attend Northern Michigan University in the fall, but is uncertain about a major.
‘I enjoyed my experience with the clinic so I may do something in the medical field. I’ve also considered teaching, possibly science or special needs students,? added Kerr.
Students are selected for the DAR Good Citizens Program through a rigorous set of criteria that evaluate their dependability, service, leadership and patriotism. The program intends to encourage and reward the qualities of good citizenship.
‘We have so many kids who do so many things,? said Larry Sherrill, CHS counselor. ‘It really says something about Anna and the time that she gives.?
‘I was very happy when I learned about this,? said Kerr. ‘I was very grateful that I was nominated, and I thank Mr. Sherrill for nominating me.?
When asked about her many commitments, Kerr said her favorite part is helping others.
‘I guess that’s why I’ve dedicated so much of my time to listening to others,? she stated.
A formal presentation will be held in the spring by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.

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