Join hands for nature

North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy is set to open one of its preserves to the public.
But first they need some help.
‘There’s a lot to do,? said Joan Harbaugh, chair for NOHLC’s Stewardship program.
Volunteers are needed Saturday, May 3, for the Join Hands Project at the Nels Kimball Sanctuary, a 41-acre wooded preserve in the southeast quadrant of I-75 and M-15.
Workers will wood chip pathways, remove thorny invasive plants, clear underbrush and deadwood for more trails, install signs and birdhouses, plant 800 fir trees, and create additional habitat for animals.
‘The little ones can move small rocks to provide places for salamanders and frogs, organize piles of trigs for small animals to nest in,? Harbaugh said. ‘A fun thing is they’ll fill mesh bags with feathers and yarn, and hang them from a tree, for birds to make the nests.?
Moving piles of woodchips, donated by Michigan Department of Transportation, into the woods for trails will require a lot of helpers and wheelbarrows, she said.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans sponsors Join Hands, a national, intergenerational day of service.
‘We want to bring the community together,? said Heidi Quitmeyer, president of Thrivent’s North Oakland Chapter.
‘We’ll have things to do for everybody, for every generation, from 2 years old to 90. Different generations don’t get together that often. We’ll have a good time and strengthen community.?
Dozens of Thrivent volunteers are expected, but as many more volunteers as possible are needed and welcome, Quitmeyer said.
‘This is a neat thing, something the community should be involved in,? said David Wagner, Independence Township supervisor, who volunteered at last year’s Join Hands. ‘It’s a lot of work, but it’s a labor of love. It really pays off.?
The project is a good way to maintain and preserve privately donated, local green space, he said.
‘It shows we’re able to maintain it properly,? Wagner said.
Judge Dana Fortinberry, also a volunteer with NOHLC, was set to bring in workers with the Oakland County Boot Camp, but the program will be cancelled for budgetary reasons by then.
‘This is a great project,? Fortinberry said. ‘We had a ton of fun last year. It was a blast.?
‘It’s very enjoyable. Lots of camaraderie,? Harbaugh said.
This is the third year Thrivent is working with the land conservancy, Quitmeyer said.
The first year, they worked at Springfield Oaks county park. Last year, the cleared trails and installed birdhouses at the Kimball Sanctuary.
‘This is like a place up north,? Harbaugh said. ‘With fuel prices so high, this is a great place to bring the family.?
Light breakfast will be served at 9 a.m. May 3. Work is set to start at 9:30 a.m.
A new sign describing the preserve and the Clinton River Watershed will be unveiled at noon, followed by a light lunch.

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