Independence Twp. hires new legal representatives

After more then 25 years with Secrest Wardle, the Independence Township Board of Trustees voted 6-1 on Jan. 4 to hire new legal representation.
According to Township Supervisor Dave Wagner, the decision has been a long time coming, since before his election in the August primaries.
‘I felt as if there wasn’t enough control of the consultants,? said Wagner. He also voiced a concern about continually increasing the township’s attorney fees while simultaneously cutting parks and recreation programs.
In 2002, the township budgeted $125,000 for attorney fees. By 2004, the amount had more than doubled to $300,000 and remained almost the same for 2005; trustees budgeted $250,000.
‘When you have revenue sharing being continually cut, you’ve got to start looking at everything,? said Wagner.
One of the platforms Wagner ran on during the election was to review and possibly change the township’s legal representation. He spoke with five different firms and narrowed the search down to two: Karlstrom Clooney, LLP and Booth Patterson.
At the Jan. 4 regular board meeting, Wagner recommended to hire Karlstrom Clooney, LLP for the day-to-day operations while maintaining the right to retain Secrest Wardle, or any other outside firm, on a case-by-case basis.
‘What I’m looking for is someone local to represent us in the way we need,? said Wagner during the meeting.
?(Secret Wardle) is still involved,? he continued. ‘They are still involved. They are not our general council anymore, but they will be used for their specialties.?
In a later interview, Wagner stated he wanted to find someone local to help reduce the township’s expenses, while simultaneously keeping Independence Twp. tax dollars in the township. Karlstrom Clooney is located down M-15 ? next to the courthouse, the township engineer and the township planner.
‘I did discuss this idea with everybody because that’s what I do. Everyone knows that,? said Wagner during the interview. ‘Even if everybody doesn’t agree, I’ll bring it to the board.?
Larry Rosso made the motion to hire Karlstrom Clooney for the township’s everyday needs while retaining Secrest Wardle for specialty work. He was seconded by Charles Dunn.
During board discussion, many of the trustees voiced similar opinions:
‘I think in the four years I’ve been on the board, we’ve received excellent advice,? said Daniel Kelly, who added that this was not something he would have done, but he understands the supervisor’s motivations.
‘There is a certain amount of deference we must pay the supervisor,? he concluded. ‘I think this is a very appropriate mix. It can be a very good mix.?
‘If I were the supervisor, I probably would not have made this decision,? voiced Larry Rosso, who also stated he understands the supervisor has to work with the township attorneys on a day to day basis. ‘This is about a business decision. We hope to save some expenses here.?
Rosso added he wants to review the situation after a year to confirm the township is receiving the best legal advice possible. ‘I think it’s worth doing at this point,? stated Rosso.
‘I have struggled with this decision as Mr. Wagner knows,? said Clerk Shelagh VanderVeen. ‘Although I would not necessarily have done this, I support Mr. Wagner in finding a council he is comfortable to work with and trust.?
One board trustee spoke strongly against the change. Daniel Travis mentioned that Secrest Wardle was a local firm when the township first hired them. He added that over the years, through joining different firms, the company has expanded, but maintained the quality representation.
Travis also voiced a concern because planning commissioner Kathryn Caruso, an attorney with Karlstrom Clooney, must now resign from her position.
‘I’m concerned there is now a lack of knowledge of zoning and ordinance issues on the planning commission,? said Travis. ‘We have had great legal representation in these areas from Secrest.?
Travis was the one trustee who voted no.
One audience member commented on the recommendation. Independence Township resident Neil Wallace stated he was concerned a decision sounded reached with very little discussion. He worried the proposal was coming because of ‘change for change sake.?
With Karlstrom Clooney as the general council, the township will be charged $110 per hour for municipal work, up from the $95 charged by Secrest Wardle. However, according to the firm’s proposal, ‘there is no minimum retainer.?
Also, ‘routine telephone calls of a quick nature from township officials as to the status of files or simple questions are not billed. Customary copying, postage and travel time are not charged unless out of the ordinary.?
Supervisor Wagner stated he expects many township attorney costs to reduce thanks to these free services and the close proximity of the firm; however, he is uncertain what the savings will be.
Wagner will be bringing a recommendation for replacing Caruso on the planning commission at the Jan. 18 board meeting.

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