I refuse to hold my horses. I want my answers NOW!

I’ve been exchanging Jottings weekly for many years with Dick Milliman, and he sends me his columns, ‘The Almanack.? He’s owned several papers, from Grayling to the Indiana border, while being very active in Lansing.
Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was a recent topic of Dick’s. He wrote, ‘The public has not yet been told the ins and outs of the Bergdahl affair. We may never know.
‘Personally, I will follow the advice I learned long ago, to hold my horses. I never, by nature, have been a conclusion jumper.?
By nature I am the opposite. My mind is on the hurdle track, jumping from one conclusion to another. I make immediate judgements based on looks, dress, drivers, walkers, words and actions. I refuse to hold my horses. I want my answers NOW!
I don’t have time to deciminate all possible answers. I’ll be up and in Boot Hill by the time Obama, scientists, physists, politians and opinion writers reach wrong conclusions.
I wish Dick and I were in a closer mile zone so we could discuss this over a beverage.
Many times we’ve been told the White House is considering options ? showing patience (stalling).
Patience is said to be a virtue. Maybe it is in the case of waiting a healing, a birth or a promising occasion. But not when it is putting off the inevitable. I say, if it’s inevitable, do it now!
Where’s the United Nations?
We built a big building for it in New York, a place where countries could send delegates to talk to each other, to air differences and push world peace.
Did the countries run out of patience? Or are they on leave considering all angles?
* * *
Some of us have been laying awake nights wondering why baby diapers have such brand names as ‘Luv?, ‘Huggies,? and ‘Pampers,? while undergarments for old people are called ‘Depends.?
Well here’s the low down on the whole thing.
When babies mess in their pants people are still gonna Luv’em and Pamper’em. When older people mess their pants it ‘Depends? on who is in the will.
I’ve been a lover of the game of baseball and the Detroit Tigers since my early teens. My first heros were Eldon Auker, Schoolboy Rowe and Tommy Bridges.
Trouble is, because I’m tall, all my teacher/coaches in Morrice and Vernon put me on first base. After school I tried pitching for a tavern team in Gladwin. Then baseball players with college experience came on the scene and the owner of the Gladwin newspaper moved me to St. John to work for his Clinton County newspaper.
Then the war and the 36-ft landing craft I was assigned to had only a 4-man crew, not the needed nine
I could of had my bronzed body displayed.

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