Helping our furry friends

When Bailey Lake Elementary students extended a helping hand this month, they most likely grasped a paw.
The students decided on an encore of last year’s Service Learning Project, a benefit for Oakland Pet Adoption Center.
“The work of Bailey Lake Elementary really makes a difference at the animal shelter, said Principal Glenn Gualtieri. “It helps them, brings awareness to the students, and connects community and school.”
The C.A.T.S. project, Connecting Academics Through Service, involved the whole school for an entire day. Older students made toys and blankets, and collected supplies, while younger ones assembled them into bags for new pet owners. Everyone helped make thank you cards for those who adopt animals.
“We felt it’s the right thing to do ? we saw the response of the students last year,” said teacher Kathy Noble, who orgazined the project with Sarah Wilson and Stacey Conn.
“We tie it into the curriculum, social studies, math, science, community service, language arts.”
The project continues in May with a visit by an expert in endangered species.
“They brought a sloth last year,” Noble said. “It ties into science.”

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