Hair helps others

After 18 months without a hair cut, Savannah Spring’s tresses were getting out of hand.
‘It was really hard to comb through,? said Spring, 8, of Clarkston. ‘It would get all knotted.?
She usually gets it cut at least once a year, by her grandmother.
She had a good reason for the inconvenience ? she was growing it out in order to donate it to Locks of Love, a nonprofit group that accepts donated hair and makes wigs for children in need who are suffering from long-term hair loss.
‘Locks of Love makes wigs and gives them to people who are sick,? Spring said.
She heard about the program from her grandmother, who had read about it on the internet, she said.
‘All of a sudden, she said she wanted to let her hair grow for Locks of Love,? said her mother, Sharon Spring.
‘I think it’s great ? a great cause,? said Don Spring, her father.
Locks of Love accepts hair donations of at least 10 inches in length. Savannah’s were 11 inches.
The Florida-based organization needs hair of all colors from men and women of all ages. For acceptance criteria, visits its website at, or call 561-963-1677.

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