Distracted driver causes M-24 collision

Traffic on southbound M-24 was tied up for a brief time around 10:30 a.m. on August 11 as officers cleared away a rear end collision.
According to the Oakland County Sheriff’s report, 47-year-old Oxford resident Randal Beelestri was stopped on southbound M-24 waiting to turn left into a local car wash when his Mercendes Benz was rear ended by a 22-year-old Metamora woman in a Pontiac Grand Prix.
The police report states that Anne Marie Harvey was ‘distracted by her baby,? when the accident occurred. The report states she ‘turned a little facing her child then crashed into ? the Mercedes Benz. She was traveling with her husband and one-year-old son at the time of the accident.
Luckily, no one in either vehicle was injured, although Mrs. Harvey’s airbag was deployed.
Harvey was cited for being unable to stop in assured clear distance.

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