Daniel Axford students build their character

Daniel Axford Elementary held their first ever Character Building Breakfast on May 29, and honored 36 students and their parents.
Two students were selected by their peers and teacher from each classroom for how well they demonstrated the character traits of being responsible, kind and friendly throughout the year.
The entire school has been focused on building their character.
A grant was written by teachers Kim Kreilach, Tammy Dasbach and Rita Upshur to fund the year-long activities.
Students at DA focused on being kind, being responsible, and being a friend
During the Being Kind segment, kids wrote in character logs ? found in the classroom ? when they noticed someone demonstrating an act of kindness.
As a service project, they made blankets for children at HAVEN.
For the Being Responsible segment, all students focused on doing quality work and each classroom selected two or three others that they wished to work on such as, keeping the work area neat, writing their name on their paper, etc.
The Being a Friend segment was about being good to not only each other, but the Earth itself.
‘We hooked up with Scholastic and read books to save 100 acres in the rainforest,? said Principal Lydia Engel.
In addition, 10 classrooms were involved in the Books of Hope project ? books written by our kids to send to a school in Uganda.
Oxford Bank partnered with them so they could print books.

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