Congregational church welcomes new minister

The cliche, ‘hitting the ground running,? fits Rev. Martin Hall these days.
The new minister at First Congregational Church of Clarkston has already immersed himself in committee meetings and personal calls since starting in the new post a couple weeks ago.
The son of a Congregational minister, Hall decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and received his academic training at Princeton Theological Seminary.
In 1999, he entered the pastorate in a West Bloomfield church, and in January of this year accepted the call from the Clarkston church.
Congregational churches have autonomous government, independent of any denominational hierarchy. Hall is comfortable in allowing the people of the church to run the committees and determine the programming.
‘I’m a representative of this body,? he said, noting the New Testament picture of the church as the body of Christ, who is the head. ‘My job is to help the congregation focus on that.?
The church is already active in the community, participating in local events and offering outreach with ministries such as the Kids Kloset.
Such activities are important in an age when many believe the church to be irrelevant to modern society.
‘One of the questions for the church to ask is, ‘Is it relevant??? Hall said, then work to show that relevance to the community.
Hall is not a total stranger to the area, having lived in Waterford while ministering to his former church. He is looking forward to making more Clarkston contacts, but his people are already keeping him busy.
‘I’m here for the people,? he said.
Hall and his wife of four years, Sharon, are also keeping busy with 10-week old daughter, Rebecca.
‘We’re adjusting to parenthood,? he said.
While it has been a hectic period of transition, Hall said he is blessed with both family and ministry.
The new minister told of a conversation with his wife concerning the level of fatigue.
The conversation ended with, ‘but I’m having fun.?

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