Common sense is a topic of choice

If you’ve got reasoning or common sense, you’re already smarter than a lot of the campus geniuses.
I just fried a pound of bacon in a pan on our range. This relates to my common sense remark. I didn’t cover the pan, so I suffered numerous grease splatters on my bare arms.
Not too smart, but considering the joy I got from smelling those splatters, it was worth it.
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Did Governor Snyder have a survey done by his staff before he started railing for his roads, school tax increases, money for health, etc.?
Considering the margin which we voters defeated Prop 1, a survey might have out weighed the pressure from lobbyists, the money from non Americans and other butt-kissers in Lansing.
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By the way, I visited with a former superintendent right after the Prop 1 election and he told me, ‘Schools don’t need money!?
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The do-gooders of this earth are pushing to have swine flu removed from our vocabulary. It’s offensive to pigs. Walk by any pig sty and you might vote against the proposal.
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How much do I love many of the tv shows that I watch?
I’m still watching many of them after I’ve muted them.
I left a PBS show on too long recently. They know their audience. A big banner at the back of the stage read GERITOL
I do enjoy many of PBS’s Lawrence Welk shows.
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When networks put three on a news panel, viewers see/hear three egotistical talkers constantly interrupting, leaving viewers like me reaching for our clickers.
Often the networks add more panelists to further befuddle all the listeners/viewers who remain.
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I just want to share this brief message in case you missed it somewhere else.
Driving last night listening to a call-in program on WGN in Chicago. People were calling in very upset about the goat’s head that was sent to Cub’s owner Tom Ricketts, at Wrigley Field.
Then some guy from Indiana called in and said, ‘Why are you people so upset just because someone sent a goat’s head to Wrigley Field??
‘Aren’t you Chicagoans the same guys that sent a pig’s butt to the White House??
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A Congressional candidate from Texas said, ‘That low down scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a jackass, and I’m just the one to do it.?

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